ABTA, the Brazilian Pay TV / Telecom Association, is a nationwide, non-profit organization, constituted by legal entities and other employers’ associations, with activities directly or indirectly related to services of video and audio signals broadcast, telecommunications and those of Added Value to subscribers. Its associates represent Pay TV services operators (distributors), Programmers, Equipment suppliers and Services Providers (who provide equipment, installation material, accessories, parts and maintenance materials and related services).
In the last ten years, access to Pay TV in the country more than quadrupled, going from a base of 3,2 million subscribers in 2002 to 14,5 million in June 2012, according to ANATEL (15,1 million in August). Thus, the estimates are that about 48 million Brazilian people have access to Pay TV.
The expressive increase is due mostly to Brazilian people’s income growth and to keeping prices of services lower than those practiced in a large number of countries, as to a recent study carried out by FIPE (the Foundation Institute for Economic Research).